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What is the post name field on Facebook?

The post name is a headline for your content. A best practice is to create the post and click "Post to Facebook" to ensure that is meets your needs. Strong headlines and imagery will support deeper engagement. 

What is the refund policy for Social Press Kit?

Due to the subscription structure of the platform we are unable to offer any refunds. If you wish to STOP your subscription at any time please head into MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION > STOP SUBSCRIPTION. You are able to START, STOP and RESTART your subscription at any time depending upon your needs.  

What makes SPK different?

It's true. There are certainly a wide variety of social media tools out there, but those are mostly focused on internal needs. Social Press Kit focused on making the distribution of social content painless amongst internal AND external stakeholders. Social media is complex. It requires consistency to strengthen a mesasge. Our goal is to make it easier for you to achieve this. Give it a whirl!

Is there a demo that I can take a look at?

There is! Take a look.

How To

How do I add Team Members for collaboration?

Once you log-in to SPK follow these quick steps:

Select TEAM>

Select Add User>

Enter all pertinent information>

Select ROLE (Client's only have access to specified press kits)>

*For Client's Select Press Kits>

Create User.


Where can I find tutorials on how to best use SPK?

Our Youtube page provides a variety of tutorials. Please check them out! 

How do I notify my partners/influencers that content is ready for them? Will I need to send an email every time I make an update?

In the top nav bar click Notify Partners and enter the emails of all of your partners. These emails will store for easy selection and updates next time you adjust your content! 

What if my organization doesn't have any graphics?

This can be frustrating, but the great thing is that both Adobe Photoshop and Canva offer FREE trials of their software. It is great way to get a few strong pieces together before deciding on a longer term solution. For simple sizing adjustments, native photo solutions on Mac and PC will do the trick! 


Suspendisse gravida urna sodales tellus sodales lobortis?

Sed nisl nisi, luctus egestas bibendum at, varius dictum metus. Sed ut consequat enim, sit amet tempus velit. Vestibulum quis nisl placerat, fringilla purus et, blandit velit. Vivamus fermentum tincidunt nisl nec commodo. Donec euismod mauris a augue varius vehicula. Proin tempor commodo quam, convallis vulputate ligula convallis eget. Aenean feugiat dui tincidunt, eleifend velit eget, porta ligula. Nulla in justo vitae sapien tristique interdum. Vivamus lacus nibh, suscipit a pretium nec, suscipit et dui. Etiam nec sem ultrices, porttitor purus a, sollicitudin mauris. Mauris ac sollicitudin ligula. Maecenas feugiat a tortor non sodales. Curabitur at posuere lorem, quis dictum arcu.

Cras sed augue et lacus suscipit euismod?

Donec venenatis mauris est, pharetra tincidunt felis lobortis et. Sed id ipsum ac ligula vulputate lobortis. Duis eu ullamcorper sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum mollis porta ex, dictum euismod libero facilisis in. Mauris fringilla justo interdum, interdum neque ut, consectetur turpis. Vestibulum non lorem nec ex viverra sollicitudin id quis ante. Nam convallis, turpis non pulvinar volutpat, libero eros consequat turpis, vel porta libero ex sit amet tortor. Suspendisse commodo pellentesque tellus. Mauris at metus risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vehicula purus vitae ligula mollis, a tempor magna mollis.

Curabitur bibendum velit metus nec eleifend augue vestibulum eu?

Vivamus urna ex, maximus quis enim sit amet, maximus euismod tellus. Mauris sollicitudin libero et felis dignissim dignissim quis sed justo. Quisque finibus consequat aliquam. Sed id nunc consequat, cursus urna pulvinar, pretium turpis. Maecenas egestas porttitor enim, et tempus lacus varius id. Aenean at ultrices risus, sed luctus nibh. Sed vestibulum justo in iaculis consequat. Vestibulum eu dolor tempor, feugiat lacus eget, rhoncus erat. Proin consectetur elit at sem facilisis pulvinar. In euismod pulvinar purus eu finibus. Aenean vel viverra nulla, a aliquet tellus. Nulla elementum porttitor orci, ac euismod nisi bibendum sit amet.

Donec vel neque et magna sollicitudin pellentesque?

Proin efficitur auctor luctus. Aenean eleifend mi nec nunc hendrerit, et convallis mi blandit. Cras non ex vel mauris convallis condimentum. Integer eleifend eleifend rhoncus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla vel hendrerit est, nec feugiat arcu. Donec egestas hendrerit nisl, eget vehicula diam commodo in. Aenean a neque et quam sollicitudin sodales. In placerat eleifend ligula, eu tincidunt quam sollicitudin eget. Phasellus mattis nisi at nunc feugiat auctor. Duis lobortis diam nisl, non finibus velit venenatis a. Maecenas at bibendum enim. Donec et lacus tempor odio interdum commodo in ac tellus. 

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